Getting packing done well in advance of your move will make your move far less stressful and save you on labor cost. First, we suggest you create an overnight bag. Box essential items you will need because sometimes clients do not get to their unpacking right away and transport those items yourself. Second, we strongly suggest you color code your boxes with inexpensive strips of duct tape in different colors with 1 strip across the top of each box and matching the colors to rooms. This system allows the movers to know which boxes go into which room at a glance, so they don't have to stop and try to find writing on a box, try to read it or have to stop to ask you questions. It saves time and every minute of time saved equals savings on your final bill. Third, when packing your own boxes, please use a thicker 2 ply box or the strongest boxes you can find. Previously used boxes or thinner boxes usually do not stand up to stacking in the truck and can collapse. Also, please do not overpack your boxes as the seams can split, all boxes, tubs or totes must be closed, pack them all the way to the top because empty space can also cause a collapse, clearly mark your fragile boxes with a separate color strip that stands out, and when using tubs or totes, please remember they must have a lid and to use newer ones as old ones can become brittle. Fourth, we are professional movers, we will disassemble and reassemble most anything you need done, but of course, anything you can have disassembled, staged in one room or in a garage, ready for us to pull up and load, we will drastically save you time and money. We are always happy to do whatever you need us to do though as we are here to provide this service to you. Remember, liability coverage for boxes you pack yourself is not covered under moving industry insurance policies.