Alejandro (Alex)

Logistics Specialist

Alejandro or as we call him “Alex” is 21 and from Lyons, KS. He relocated to Wichita, KS to pursue a degree in accounting. He has 2 sisters and is close to his family with strong family values. 

Alex has been with Titan Moving for almost 2 years now. He worked his way up from a runner to a stacker, and onto a driver. Alex is the calm, mature, level-headed steady rock any moving company desires in a team leader. With his background in accounting, Alex understands not only the best practice protection measures of this company, but also understands the importance of billing correctly and working with the office for processes to work effectively for the good of the whole.

Alex desires to continue his education while working at Titan Moving in order to earn a BS in Business Accounting.

Alex’s goal is to earn real-life experience in business practices and operations as he works for Titan Moving, continue his education in accounting, and eventually own his own accounting firm.

Alex’s hobbies are hanging out with family and friends, reading, playing darts and poker, and relaxing while watching a good show.

Alex’s favorite sports teams are the Dallas Cowboys and the Los Angeles Lakers. His favorite food is burritos, his favorite holiday is Christmas, and his favorite companion is his dog.

What Do You Like About Working for Titan Moving?
Alex likes working for Titan Moving because of the opportunity it provides in getting a good work out and for the challenges he experiences in trying to make everything fit just perfectly in a box truck.

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